Closing 2012 on this blog. After August, I don't think I've read anything. Its been a whirlwind from September, with visa, moving and settling down in M. This is the first week since then that I feel like catching up on blogs, books and columns and get that feeling of lying down on the lounge in the balcony, staring at the ocean, wind in my hair and hopefully, my finger holding the book spine at somewhere in the middle...I like the vision more than the reading itself. But like writing, one never knows, till one actually starts reading. Its been too cold and windy summer to try it yet - soon.
Anyway, the point of this post was to close this year, taking new resolutions for new year. Not sure what I want to read next - but would be good to begin at one of the favorites. And not to keep a too ambitious target. But keen to read lots of long form, more of weekend newspapers, and some fiction. Should we say, 12 books? I know it sounds low, but am being realistic here, given that this is going to be a work year, things are going to be busy...and I have other resolutions as well, to revive running, to learn to ride the scooter....lets start easy, and then we can always drive up the targets if we are over achieving :)
BTW, I haven't bought any new book here - haven't seen as many bookstores yet. And one of these holidays, I should make it a point to go to the bookstores here - wherever they are.