Nov 16, 2018

Other people's words

This morning, while going through a notebook from earlier this year, I came across a collection of quotes. I think few of them were from one of Annie Dillard's books, where she herself quotes a lot of people. And one on photons and gravity from one of the space/quantum books I was reading (I think, not sure). 

Coming across them like this warmed my heart! Little joys. Sharing them here.

"Admire the world for never ending on you, as you would admire an opponent, without taking your eyes off him or walking away."

She quotes Rico Lebrun on drawing. A really beautiful quote:
"The draftsman must aggress; only by persistent assault will the live image capitulate and give up its secret to an unrelenting line." 

Strong words, but such beauty. Come to think of it, applies to anything one pursues and struggles with.

And a couple more:
"Wherever we go,there seems to be only one business at hand - that of finding a workable compromise between the sublimity of our ideas and the absurdity of the fact of us."

"I had been my whole life a bell, and never knew it until the moment I was lifted and struck." 

Not sure where I read the following though. Beautiful in its simplicity of explaining the nature of reality.

"Between the spacetime continuum and the quanta of space, there is the same relationship as between electromagnetic waves and photons. The waves give an approximate large-scale vision of the photons.
Photons are the way in which waves interact. Continuous space and time are an approximate large-scale vision of the dynamic of quanta of gravity. The quanta of gravity are the way in which space and time interact."