Jun 30, 2023

My current read

Since I take weeks/months sometimes to read some books, and since I also wish to keep adding to this page here, I've thought I'll perhaps share a little bit more about what goes on in my reading space. 

I am currently reading Les Miserables. I began sometime in June after finishing Moby Dick, which still sits close, opened sometimes to just get back the flavor of that language and poetry. Les Miserables (I heard someone call it LesMis on a TV show), is a long book. It has 48 mini books in it. I am somewhere beyond midway. Yesterday, I happened on a beautiful page - a diary extract which a person leaves for another person to read. It is something worth noting from. Some passages here below. 

But before getting into that, a little bit more about the book. It has that similar high energy throughout which some long books have with a slowly building and unfolding narrative. And then there are those sections, won't call them detours but these essay like chapters or books which take you out of the story into something else - be it the June 18th battle of Waterloo, or the mechanisms of a convent, or just Paris of early 19th century. A lot of instances like that which help in making the book come alive - or the time and space it is set in come alive. I am enjoying reading it, and although part of me that keeps pace and looks at the bookmark against the closed book for progress wishes to read quickly, part of me wants to take the passages slowly, specially some chapters which revive the time and place, and just how people lived then. Still a few hundred pages to go. 

This book is a new translation by Julie Rose from 2008. 

Other few explorations include Margaret Atwood's Curious Pursuits. There are a few others, but more another time. Now to the passages from Les Miserables which I wish to copy, - echoes of Sufi thought:  

The reduction of the universe to one single being, the expansion of one single being into God: That is what love is.

Love is the angels' greeting to the stars.

God is behind all things, but all things hide God. Things are black, human beings opaque. To love someone is to make them transparent.

Certain thoughts are prayers. There are moments when, whatever the body's position, the soul is on its knees.

Lovers who are separated cheat absence by a thousand chimeras that, nonetheless, have their reality. They are prevented from seeing each other, they can't write to each other, yet they find a whole host of mysterious ways of communicating. They send each other birdsong, the perfume of flowers, the laughter of children, the sun's rays, the wind's sighs, starlight, all of Creation. And why not? All God's works are made to serve love. Love is powerful enough to load the whole of nature with its messages.
O spring, you are the letter I write to her.

The future belongs even more to hearts than to minds. Loving is the only thing that can occupy and fill eternity. The infinite requires the inexhaustible.

Love partakes of the soul itself. It is of the same nature. Like the soul, it is a divine spark, like the soul, it is incorruptible, indivisible, imperishable. It is a point of fire that is inside us, that is everlasting and infinite, that nothing can limit and that nothing can extinguish. You feel it burn right to the marrow of your bones and you see it shine out to the back of the sky.

O love! Adoration! Sensual joy of two minds that understand each other, of two hearts that are exchanged, of two glances that pierce each other through!...I have sometimes dreamed that now and then the hours broke away from the life of the angels and came down here below to traverse the destiny of men.

...God is the fullness of heaven; love is the fullness of mankind.

When love has melted and blended two beings in an angelic and sacred unity, the secret of life is open to them; they are nothing more, then, than the two sides of a single destiny; they are nothing more than the two wings of a single spirit. Love, soar!

Deep hearts, wise spirits, take life the way God made it. It is a long ordeal, an unintelligible preparation for an unknown destiny. ...Try to love souls and you will find them again.

What a great thing, to be loved! What an even greater thing, to love! The heart becomes heroic through passion. It is no longer made up of anything but what is pure; it no longer relies on anything but what is elevated and grand. An unworthy thought can no more germinate in it than a nettle on a glacier. The lofty and serene soul, out of reach of vulgar passions and emotions, rises above the clouds and shadows of this world, the follies, the lies, the hatreds, the vanities, the miseries, and inhabits the endless skies and feels only the deep and subterranean rumblings of destiny, as the mountain peak feels earthquakes.

If there wasn't someone who loved, the sun would go out.